If you haven’t heard Frank lately on the Rare One’s of New Orleans, it could be he has been diligently working on his 55′ Chevy! Here’s a couple of pictures of the work in progress…

They all ask'd for you!
If you haven’t heard Frank lately on the Rare One’s of New Orleans, it could be he has been diligently working on his 55′ Chevy! Here’s a couple of pictures of the work in progress…
Our faithful ring leader of the Rare One’s of New Orleans received a brand new Icom-7300 and Heil Microphone/Boom from his fellow Rare One’s Members and also, from two anonymous donors who are Associate Member’s of the Rare One’s of New Orleans. After Big John’s incessant audio checks and off-frequency adventures, Louis finally had enough and embarked on a mission to bring Big John’s Radio Shack into the 21’st Century! Louis coordinated the effort to bring a modern radio to Big John’s shack by contributing his own resources and soliciting donations. On behalf of the Rare One’s of New Orleans, I commend Louis for his selfless efforts! It was worth all the effort to see Big John’s response. It was the first time I can honestly say, Big John was speechless! As the 7300 is proudly displayed in his shack, I anxiously await to see Big John’s callsign in WSJTX — NOT! –Maybe?
-W5PLT, Scott
Paul is from Farragut, Tennessee and a proud supporter of the Rare Ones of New Orleans. He as a great station with a wide selection of vintage Collin’s equipment – Take a look as his QRZ Page! He recently installed a mobile VHF/UHF radio in his Jeep and is delving into the 2M Repeater scene. Congratulations once again from all of the Rare Ones of New Orleans and thank you Paul for you continued support each and every night…
Jack recently became the 240th Associate Member of the Rare Ones’ of New Orleans! Jack retired to the “Villages” in Florida after an exciting career in Switzerland as Professor at the University at Zürich. We congratulate Jack on his recent retirement and his continual support of the Rare Ones’ of New Orleans.
If you want to learn a little bit more about Jack, you can visit his web site at www.jackebrush.com
I was delighted to discover that I was a winner in the “Throw Me Somethin Mister” Extravaganza! I wanted to share a picture of my delight (since y’all didn’t insist on me showing any of the other Mardi Gras traditional body parts. )
The recent ice and snow storm brought down my mast, EFHW, and Hexbeam, so until I fly a new mast I’m limited to my portable rig for HF. I’ve been trying to get in on the net, but with only 20W and a small mag loop, it’ll take friendlier band conditions than I’ve had so far.
In any event, thanks so much!
73 KJ8U–Tim
On behalf of the “Rare Ones” of New Orleans, below are the winners of the “Throw Me Something Mister” Extravaganza! We had a blast celebrating Mardi Gras 2021 with all of our friends out there in Amateur Radio Land! In the spirt of Mardi Gras, all the winners of the Extravaganza will receive a special gift courtesy of the Rare Ones of New Orleans!
In light of Mardi Gras 2021 cancelled due to Covid-19, the Rare Ones of New Orleans are hosting a Mardi Gras “Throw Me Something Mister” Extravaganza! If you ever visited Mardi Gras in New Orleans, we shout at the parade float riders “Throw Me Something Mister” as a rallying call to catch various beads, trinkets, and doubloons. Since we cannot attend in person this year due to Covid-19, the Rare Ones of New Orleans wish to share a little of our enthusiasm for our wonderful City and Mardi Gras.
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