Two New Associate Members!

Just when we thought things were going a little slow, we have two new Associate Members. Congratulations to KE4TS – Jim and WB7WVG – Terry.

Mr. B’s Orange Julius Cocktail

Recently, my wife and I had dinner at Mr. B’s in New Orleans. Of course, if you ever ate at Mr. B’s you know everything on the menu is absolutely delicious! That said, I tried one of their signature drinks, Mr. B’s Orange Julius, and I was astonish how good it was! If you like oranges and milk shakes, you will fall in love with this cocktail. Enclosed is the recipe of Mr. B’s Orange Julius directly from Mr. B’s website in case you want to give it a try if you cannot visit New Orleans soon…

73, Scott W5PLT

Mr. B’s Orange Julius

  • 2 oz. Orange Vodka
  • 1 oz. Orange Juice
  • Dash of Vanilla
  • Soft Ice Cream

Gently blend until a thick, malt like consistency is reached