WA “25” Award – A piece of New Orleans Amateur Radio History

Recently, George Carr, II – ka5khb sent the “Rare Ones” of New Orleans a piece of Amateur Radio History.  The WA “25” award was issued to an operator who contacted 25 other amateur radio stations in the Greater New Orleans Area.  George believes this may have been a prelude to the “Rare Ones”  of New Orleans!

One interesting note is both George Carr, II – ka5khb, the holder of the Award and John Uhl, w5ze (wa5cst), the past President of the Greater New Orleans Amateur Radio Club are currently two Association Members of the “Rare Ones” of New Orleans.  The Award was dated August 1, 1965.

100th Associate Member

KM4TFG, Daniel Alltop is the “Rare Ones” of New Orleans 100th Associate Member.  In addition to receiving the certificate, Daniel was award with a “Rare Ones” Signature Tri-Centenial Wind Chime courtesy of Dale Budenski, K5NQ – the Noisy Quail.

Daniel states “I appreciate the chimes and being the 100th Associate Member of the Rare Ones.  Totally unexpected and Thank you.  It will hang in my shack until I’m a silent key.”

Once again, on behalf of the “Rare Ones” of New Orleans, congratulations to Daniel – KM4TFG


w5plt – Scott


Rare Ones of New Orleans Social

The Rare Ones of New Orleans is hosting a social gathering on October 28th at the Common Grounds in Gretna, Louisiana.  We will kick off the gathering at 6:00 p.m. with a Spiced Olive Cocktail Hour followed by dinner.  Friends, Family, and Guests of the Rare Ones are welcome to attend.  The event is dutch treat and please R.S.V.P to w5plt@arrl.net as soon as possible.

Information about the Common Grounds Restaurant can be found at the following web address:  http://commongroundsgretna.com

The “Rare Ones” look forward to visiting with everyone and enjoying a memorable evening.  Dress is casual.

100th Associate Member Awarded Certificate and Special Prize

Today, the Rare Ones of New Orleans awarded Daniel Alltop – km4tfg with the unique distinction of being the 100th Associate Member of the Rare Ones.  Dale Budenski – k5nq, the awards manager for the Rare Ones of New Orleans, stated “We are proud to have Daniel – km4tfg as our 100th Associate Member.  He exemplifies the values and traditions we hold with respect to amateur radio, our country and our wonderful City of New Orleans”. Also, the Rare Ones of New Orleans would like to recognize Daniel’s service to our country for his 30 year service in the United States Army as a Military Policeman, Field Artilleryman, and Cavalry Scout. Continue reading “100th Associate Member Awarded Certificate and Special Prize”

New “Associate” Members Page

Today, we updated the “Associates” Member Page to reflect the growing number of Associate Members.  Among the features added:  Search Function, pagination, and reindexing of column data.

On behalf of all the “Rare Ones” of New Orleans, I thank our Associate Members for all your support and friendship.


Scott – w5plt

Two Amateur Radio Operators receive Awards from the “Rare Ones” of New Orleans

Congratulations to Gary Harris – kc0wch and Evans Martin – kk4tyw for qualifying for awards issued by the “Rare Ones” of New Orleans.  Gary, kc0wch, from Missouri, qualified for a certificate by contacting 8 of the “Rare Ones” of New Orleans.  Again, congratulations Gary!  Also, the “Rare Ones” recognize Evans – kk4tyw, from Tennessee, for his efforts to have confirmed contacts with at least 4 “Rare Ones”.  Evan is awarded with a personalized window sticker for this automobile or ham shack.  Great job Evan!