300th Anniversary of the Founding of New Orleans

Members of the “Rare Ones” of New Orleans will be operating on 7260, 14260, 21300, 28420 using their home calls from 1400 UTC, 14-July-2018 to 2000 UTC, 15-July-2018.  N3O will be operating FT8 only on 40 and 20 meters 14-July-2018  1400 UTC to 2300 UTC.  A special QSL card will be issued if you contact any of the Rare Ones using any mode.  If you work eight of the Rare Ones, you will receive a certificate also. Please QSL through the website’s log sheet only.  Only the Official Log Sheet will be accepted as a confirmation of contact along with a  SASE to accommodate a standard size QSL card.  The log sheet is a pdf file and can be downloaded by clicking here.

The above listed frequencies are primary frequencies only as the nine Rare Ones could be anywhere, any mode on the four bands listed above.  One contact with any Rare One earns the commemorative QSL card.  Contact eight of the nine Rare Ones qualifies for a unique Rare Ones Associate Number accompanied by a certificate.

Below is a preview of the commemorative QSL Card

2 Replies to “300th Anniversary of the Founding of New Orleans”

  1. I will be listening Saturday and Sunday. Maybe I can make a contact. As you Know I am cert.#37 from Bay City, Texas. Hope talk with some of you during the weekend.

    73’s for now,
    Bill Douglas (William P Douglas Sr.)

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