Mr. B’s Orange Julius Cocktail

Recently, my wife and I had dinner at Mr. B’s in New Orleans. Of course, if you ever ate at Mr. B’s you know everything on the menu is absolutely delicious! That said, I tried one of their signature drinks, Mr. B’s Orange Julius, and I was astonish how good it was! If you like oranges and milk shakes, you will fall in love with this cocktail. Enclosed is the recipe of Mr. B’s Orange Julius directly from Mr. B’s website in case you want to give it a try if you cannot visit New Orleans soon…

73, Scott W5PLT

Mr. B’s Orange Julius

  • 2 oz. Orange Vodka
  • 1 oz. Orange Juice
  • Dash of Vanilla
  • Soft Ice Cream

Gently blend until a thick, malt like consistency is reached

Rare One’s Swag

If you ever wondered if the Rare One’s of New Orleans have any swag, they do – Hats, Coffee Mugs and Embroidered Shirts. There’s only one catch, you can’t order it, you can’t buy it, and you can’t even bribe Big John, although he will disagree! But to earn Rare One Swag, you just need to visit New Orleans and make an eyeball QSO with only one of the Rare Ones! Pretty Simple, no Lotw, no QRZ, and no eQSL, just one eyeball to another, preferably across the table at one of our fine dining establishments. Put us on your bucket list or favorite Vay-Kay Destination (Vacation for all you Ole Timers).

73, Scott W5PLT

P.S. They young lady in the picture does not come with the hat.

Tornado hits the Big Easy

A tornado touched down in New Orleans on March 22, 2022. Neighborhoods in Arabi and New Orleans East were devastated and power lines knocked down. Fortunately, all the Rare Ones’ in New Orleans were unaffected. Our prayers go out to the families affected by this terrible tragedy. Below are pictures provided by Cajun Mike K7KJN. Also, Mike created a map which shows all the Rare Ones’ QTH relative to the tornado path. Great work Mike!

Continue reading “Tornado hits the Big Easy”

W4CFH becomes Associate Member #264

Cary – W4CFH, from Tequesta, Florida becomes Rare Ones’ Associate Member #264 after long awaited band conditions to cooperate! As you can see, Cary has framed his certificate along with the Rare One’s Logo. It is absolutely stunning. Check out Cary on….

Rare One’s Christmas Social 2021

It’s amazing how fast the years go by! Here’s a picture of the some of the Rare One’s, spouses and friends at one of our favorite restaurant, Tony Mandina’s Italian Restaurant.

Big John and his two grand daughters, Miranda and Mckenzie. Christi and Scott (W5PLT). Mike (KB5OZE) and Stacey, Frank (KB5KWB), Tom and Judy and Louis (KG5FRR).