kf5f – Gene Wyble is Associate Member 172

Gene, kf5f, earned his Associate Membership with the “Rare Ones” of New Orleans by making contact with all 6 of the Rare One Members of New Orleans. First and foremost, we thank Gene for supporting the “Rare Ones” of New Orleans but also for his service to our country. He retired from the USAF after 22 years of service! He has a great station and loves his home QTH of Killeen, Texas.

Congratulations once again from the “Rare Ones” of New Orleans!

k5jcj – John Crutti is Associate Member 171!

John is a former New Orleanian who recently moved to Garland, Texas. John earned his Rare One’s Associate Membership by confirming contact with all 6 of the Rare One’s of New Orleans. We are proud to have John as an Associate Member. One of the goals of the Rare One’s of New Orleans is to reach out to our expatriate New Orleans’ citizens.

Congratulations John and we wish you the best in Garland, Texas.

The “Rare Ones” Changing Operating Frequency

The “Rare Ones” of New Orleans are changing the primary operating frequency from 7.260 MHz to 7.275 MHz. The change was due to a foreign short wave station broadcasting on 7.260 MHz during the operating hours of the “Rare Ones” of New Orleans Round Table. Of course, the “Rare Ones” maybe anywhere on the Amateur Bands!

kn4lfj – Jose Gonzalez makes Associate Number 161

Congratulations to Jose Gonzalez from Powder Springs, Georgia for becoming Associate Number 161 of the Rare Ones of New Orleans. Jose has a great shack and is a loyal supporter of the Rare Ones.

If you hear Jose out there on the bands make sure you give him a call!


Scott – w5plt

Easton, ke0lnh, the Youngest Rare Ones’ Associated Member!

Easton, ke0lnh, is the youngest amateur radio operator to earn an Associate Membership to the Rare One’s of New Orleans. Way to go Easton! In addition to amateur radio, Easton enjoys the Boy Scouts as well.

We look forward to hearing from all the adventures Easton has in his future. Congratulations once again from the Rare One’s of New Orleans!

kp4eyt – Heriberto shows off his Dune Buggy!

Heriberto, a good friend and supporter of the Rare Ones’ of New Orleans recently sent us a photo of his dune buggy. In addition to Amateur Radio, Heriberto loves to tear-it-up in his dune buggy in Puerto Rico. All Heriberto needs is a good mobile rig for some real adventurous DX!